Network Status Checker Coverage Checker
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This icon represents the searched area, as the covering site falls outside of the visible map.

{{inc.key}} {{inc.val}}
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Planned maintenances
{{crq.key}} {{crq.val}}
{{inc.key}} {{inc.val}}
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Expected data speed
Tech Download Upload
{{"_", " ")}} {{}} {{techSpeed.upload}}

Signal quality and speeds can be negatively impacted by using your device indoors or in a moving vehicle. Actual speeds may also vary depending on the device used.

Coverage disclaimer

Our coverage checker was last updated on {{covUpdateTime}} and network status information refreshes every thirty minutes.{{nscUpdateTime}} Coverage may vary by location. This map shows a computer generated prediction in a given area. It should be used as a guide only and is not a guarantee of actual signal coverage. As with all radio-based systems, service may be affected by a number of local factors, such as building materials, tree cover and even weather conditions. Data reception or speed may not be as good indoors or in a car.



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